Refund Policy
A student who withdraws from the workshop with more than 3 days notice before the Start Date
is entitled to a refund of all monies except for a non-refundable deposit of $50.
A student who withdraws within 3 days from the Start Date may be refunded up to 75% of the
full program price.
After, there will be no refunds. If the student withdraws from the course for any reason, the
student will be responsible for paying the full tuition, regardless of any partial payments that
have been made to date. However, the student can elect to enroll in the next workshop.
In case a student needs to withdraw from the program due to illness, accident, death in the
family, or other circumstances that make it impractical to complete the course, the program will
provide a reasonable and fair refund, or allocate the student’s workshop tuition towards a
subsequent training.
No refunds will be given if the program removes a trainee from the program for bad conduct.
Bad conduct is violation of the Code of Conduct, harassment, bullying, or any other behavior
that is inappropriate or disruptive to the welfare of the program or to fellow trainees.